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Cycles of Hair Growth: The Importance of a Waxing Routine

Cycles of Hair Growth: The Importance of a Waxing Routine

Let's discuss your hair waxing routine, hair growth cycles, and why they are crucial for your wax.

If you've ever had waxing done, you've probably heard your esthetician stress the value of maintaining a regular waxing schedule. Maintaining a schedule of getting waxed every 4-6 weeks is crucial if you want long-lasting waxing benefits. If you're a seasonal waxer—someone who only gets waxed before a trip or in the summer—your hair growth cycles are probably never going to sync, and you'll always have results that won't last as long. Because your hair growth cycles are not yet synchronized, it is crucial to note that if you are new to waxing, you most likely won't receive the BEST results after your first wax. Everyone is unique, of course, but generally speaking, it takes a few waxes to get your hair cycles synchronized so you can obtain the results that last the longest.

What does it mean that hair growth cycles are synchronized? A hair can be in one of four various phases, and the key to getting the bulk of them in the same cycle when waxing is to acquire the longest-lasting results.

Anagen, Catagen, Telogen, and Exogen are the 4 phases of hair development. Even in the same area of skin, distinct body hairs may be at various stages of growth at any given time.

Anagen: The growing stage


This period of the hair shaft's development is also referred to as "the growth stage." It might last as little as 4 weeks on the eyebrows and as long as 4 months on the legs and Brazilian. The hair shaft's connection to its "food source," the dermal papilla, occurs only at this point.

The Anagen stage of hair growth is the ideal time for waxing or sugaring since otherwise, you risk injuring the papilla, the hair's nutritional supply, by having the hair removed from the root. When you cut off a hair's food supply, the follicle shrinks, the papilla is "damaged," and less hair grows back as a result. This will result in hair refinement, or a reduction in the amount of hair that returns.

Catagen – Shedding phase


The hair shaft detaches from the papilla at this point, stops growing, and is free to migrate upward. For one to two weeks. After your initial few waxing's, you could discover that these are the hairs that "come back early." This may appear to be "broken hairs" to a novice waxer, but in actuality, these hairs are too short to be removed with wax or sugar, which is why it is crucial to make a follow-up session!

Telogen – Dormant phase


The "resting stage" is at hand. The process of hair development ends here. Depending on the body component, it can persist anywhere from six weeks to six months. The new hair, which is currently developing in its own Anagen Stage, will push out the existing hair when it is ready to fall out. (Stage 1) Due to the fact that the hair below it is already growing and pushing out the next hair, if you wax or sugar while your hair is in the Telogen stage, you will experience rapid hair growth.

Exogen – Resting phase


In essence, this is an extension of or a component of the telogen stage, during which the old hair sheds and the new hair grows. Your hair will be sprouting in a variety of stages if you have been shaving. Your initial two to four waxing or sugaring sessions won't give you the flawlessly smooth skin you want for this reason. The hairs that are just beneath the skin are what you are experiencing since they came to the surface later because they were in stages 2, 3, or 4.

Your hairs are no longer in stage 1 (Anagen stage) and are not linked to the papilla if you wait 5.5 weeks or more between Brazilian wax or leg waxes. Your hair will be sprouting in a variety of stages if you have been shaving. Your initial two to four waxing or sugaring sessions won't give you the flawlessly smooth skin you want for this reason. The hairs that are just beneath the skin are what you are experiencing since they came to the surface later because they were in stages 2, 3, or 4.

Your hairs are no longer in stage 1 (Anagen stage) and are not linked to the papilla if you wait 5.5 weeks or more between Brazilian wax or leg waxes. Therefore, when we remove these hairs, we avoid damaging that papilla and permanently reducing your hair development while you still have a good three weeks hair free. Waxing and sugaring have as their main objective damaging the papilla and permanently limiting hair growth!

Shaving in between waxes is the largest error we see even the most experienced clients make. Shaving could seem like an easy way to get rid of stubble, but because it only gets rid of hair at the skin's surface, it grows back in one to four days, and over time, the skin itself gets coarser. Shaving has a lot of drawbacks, particularly if you want to get the most out of waxing. If you follow a regular hair removal waxing regimen, your hair may gradually thin out and grow more slowly, extending the time between waxing sessions and minimizing the amount of hair that is visible.

By often trimming the hair, shaving between sessions really encourages hair growth! In fact, frequent shaving can make the hair grow back faster, thicker, coarser, and fuller, which leads to more hair coming out of each pore. Additionally, shaving exposes you to the possibility of nick's, cuts, razor burn, and ingrown hairs, irritating the skin and raising the possibility of an infection.

So, now that you are aware of how your hair cycle affects the results of your waxing, switch to Biosoft right away! Also, never use that razor again! Starting from cartridge wax to microwave wax, many of the hair removal waxing products we offer at Biosoft are excellent for sensitive skin and provide waxing products online at discounted prices in India.
